Wednesday 8 February 2012

Learning to be Your Own Photocritic

To be a critic of your own photographs is the hardest of all.To know instinctively what improvement your picture needs come with lot of practice and needs time.I feel it has to be developed with lot of efforts,Learning from masters,reading articles,learning new things,looking at more and more pictures without being "awed" is more important.

Start out first by imitating the greats,then slowly define your own style.Easier said than done ;)
But of course,learning has no end.

This is my second post to my blog.
Actually,i had planned that i would be posting some of my own clicks and talking about it. But today,my friend sent me one of her pictures.
It so happens that she has just started learning photography,and i am expected to be a critic for her clicks,Which i am happy to be so :)

Readers are welcome to make an analysis of the picture too and leave it as a comment..
I hope this post would be useful for learners too.. 

Well, this is my analysis of the picture: 
A Photograph by : Prithvi Rao
One word : AWESOME 

it is simply great because of a few of reasons:
1. u saw the beauty out there and decided to capture what people wud have otherwise not noticed.


2.U unknowingly bent a few rules of composition(PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE).It is often adviced that the 'horizon' shud be kept at the one-third to keep the sky such as to cover vertically,2/3rds of the frame for a good picture.

      With this picture You proved the great photographer Ansel Adams correct : 
“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”
Read about ansel adams here
3. The timing when the picture was clicked is 11.45am . though the midday sun is not good for good photographs.But again u proved the that rules are meant to be broken.The golden colour of the grains was complimented by the sunlight.
“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”

4.You bent down and looked above and included the sky which gives a nice background for the image.

5.U chose to keep ur subject in the center of the frame which is otherwise considered a "weak spot" to position ur subject,BUT in this case,for ur photograph,placing ur subject in the middle of the frame gives the "Wide angle" effect.Which is looking good.

 Please see some wide angle pictures here

Now i did tell you the good things about the picture but i did find a couple of things u can/cud have done to improve the picture: shud have taken care and not let the electrical tower come in the background.It is a slight distraction.
2.Decrease the blur effect which u have brought using picasa.Decrease it slightly and increase the saturation a bit,it will improve the colours even more.

TIP: Share your pictures on photo sharing sites such as,,, Not to brag about ur photos but to learn from the critics who might also see ur picture.

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