Wednesday 5 June 2013

Sustainable Living..

How uncomfortable she indeed was! sipping the tea which came in a plastic Cup..
I bought it for her at the Marine Drive of Mumbai..
Meet Ariane.. an acquaintance of mine whom i met at a Music school i volunteer for.. She is a biologist and a traveler and volunteer from Quebec,Canada..

During our long walks along the old town streets of Mumbai.. a cosmopolitan city of billions of people.. I realized how insensitive i had become.She vehemently opposed we travel by the taxi. Quite justified she was in doing so.
We humans had surely chosen the wrong path.

We had chosen to produce more.. Although producing more is not bad but more of production leads to more of consumption.More of money being spent.Slowly gets created a gap between the rich and the poor.
The rich consume so much and waste so much that there is little or nothing left for the poor to survive.

Can we not walk the 1km from the market to the marine drive?

Can we not take a 'glass' glass instead of a plastic one?

Can we not buy less? And buy only and only what is necessary? Will it harm our big egos? Is that swanky new mobile phone helping me reach your ultimate goal of happiness,peace,tranquility?

We humans since the times we were just a micro-organism have been killing and trampling upon others so that we ourselves can survive.. But now that we have our own logic our own thinking capacity should we not think about the less privileged?

If not we then who would think about them?

Sustainable living is possible.. Try answering the above questions and you will feel the urge within yourself too...